Built-in Functions - Exercise (MLC)

Contest details

There is no description for the selected contest.
Allowed languages: | MySQL prepare DB & run queries | MySQL run skeleton, run queries & check DB |
Contest participants: 6
Practice participants: 30


01. Find Names of All Employees by First Name

Problem Description


02. Find Names of All Employees by Last Name

03. Find First Names of All Employess

04. Find All Employees Except Engineers

05. Find Towns with Name Length

06. Find Towns Starting With

07. Find Towns Not Starting With

08. Create View Employees Hired After

09. Length of Last Name

10. Countries Holding 'A'

11. Mix of Peak and River Names

12. Games From 2011 and 2012 Year

13. User Email Providers

14. Get Users with IP Address Like Pattern

15. Show All Games with Duration

16. Orders Table

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